The multi-generational party continues at a saloon with live music and dancing. An older man plays a Wurlitzer organ and a younger man plays an electric guitar and sings. Striking miners are then interviewed. They feel that the past decades were the good days, though life was hard, people were more satisfied. They also stuck together more and helped each other. They continue to say that today, life is dominated by consumer goods and that back then families went into debt to survive the summer months and they had very little. Today, people have a lot but debt keeps piling up. They also talk about coal qualities, tools they needed to purchase, and drilling methods. Much of their day was spent on dead work, for which they didn't get paid, i.e., timbering, laying tracks, and picking rock out of the coal.
The multi-generational party continues at a saloon with live music and dancing. An older man plays a Wurlitzer organ and a younger man plays an electric guitar and sings. Striking miners are then interviewed. They feel that the past decades were the good days, though life was hard, people were more satisfied. They also stuck together more and helped each other. They continue to say that today, life is dominated by consumer goods and that back then families went into debt to survive the summer months and they had very little. Today, people have a lot but debt keeps piling up. They also talk about coal qualities, tools they needed to purchase, and drilling methods. Much of their day was spent on dead work, for which they didn't get paid, i.e., timbering, laying tracks, and picking rock out of the coal.