00:00 A radio announcer states “21st Century Radio is sponsored by Hieronymus and Company. Now more of 21st Century Radio with your host, Dr. Bob Hieronymus.” Advertisements and an excerpt from the song “You Are My Hero” plays; 00:48 Zohara (Zoh) Hieronymus begins the broadcast by introducing guest, Rabbi Leah Novick and her books about Shekhinah and the divine feminine; 02:15 Zoh asks Leah what led Leah to become a rabbi. Leah mentions she was 55 when she was ordained; 03:00 Zoh asks Leah to talk about the Jewish Renewal Movement. Leah talks about Reb Zalman as a teacher for the movement; 04:18 Zoh asks Leah to clarify the subtitle of her book “Rediscovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine”; 05:37 Zoh asks about the lineage of the Shekhinah in Leah’s book; 07:27 Zoh asks Leah about the journey of separation and rediscovering feminine qualities in Judaism; 10:15 Zoh asks Leah how the Shekhinah could be a new or reemerging concept for other cultures; 12:25 Zoh talks about the intuitive capacity in Barrack Obama and the balance of power within the Obama’s relationship; 14:15 Zoh talks about the tree of life and guidance that the Kabbalah offers. Leah talks about nature’s diversity; 16:00 Zoh tells the audience the radio broadcast will take a break and return.
00:00 A radio announcer states “21st Century Radio is sponsored by Hieronymus and Company. Now more of 21st Century Radio with your host, Dr. Bob Hieronymus.” Advertisements and an excerpt from the song “You Are My Hero” plays; 00:48 Zohara (Zoh) Hieronymus begins the broadcast by introducing guest, Rabbi Leah Novick and her books about Shekhinah and the divine feminine; 02:15 Zoh asks Leah what led Leah to become a rabbi. Leah mentions she was 55 when she was ordained; 03:00 Zoh asks Leah to talk about the Jewish Renewal Movement. Leah talks about Reb Zalman as a teacher for the movement; 04:18 Zoh asks Leah to clarify the subtitle of her book “Rediscovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine”; 05:37 Zoh asks about the lineage of the Shekhinah in Leah’s book; 07:27 Zoh asks Leah about the journey of separation and rediscovering feminine qualities in Judaism; 10:15 Zoh asks Leah how the Shekhinah could be a new or reemerging concept for other cultures; 12:25 Zoh talks about the intuitive capacity in Barrack Obama and the balance of power within the Obama’s relationship; 14:15 Zoh talks about the tree of life and guidance that the Kabbalah offers. Leah talks about nature’s diversity; 16:00 Zoh tells the audience the radio broadcast will take a break and return.