Three out of five of the altarpieces that he delivered between 1602 and 1606 were either rejected outright or soon taken down. Only the Entombment (1602-1604; Rome, Pin. Vaticana) for the Vittrice Chapel in the Chiesa Nuova and the Madonna of Loreto (or Madonna of the Pilgrims, 1604-1605; Rome, S Agostino) prospered, both destined to become highly popular devotional works, not least with the poor. (Source: Grove Art Online;
Three out of five of the altarpieces that he delivered between 1602 and 1606 were either rejected outright or soon taken down. Only the Entombment (1602-1604; Rome, Pin. Vaticana) for the Vittrice Chapel in the Chiesa Nuova and the Madonna of Loreto (or Madonna of the Pilgrims, 1604-1605; Rome, S Agostino) prospered, both destined to become highly popular devotional works, not least with the poor. (Source: Grove Art Online;