Abbett, H.
Abbott, A.
Abbott, C. D.
Abbott, E.
Abbott, F.
Abell, A.
Abrams, R.
Acapella Choir
Ada Fowler, Miss
Adams, Charles
Adams, Elliott
Adams, Frank
Adams, Jane
Adams, John
Adams, May
Adams, Pamela
Adams, Phelps
Adams, Ruth
Adams, Sue
Adams, W.
Adams, Wilbur
Adams, William
Aden, Fred
Ahlburg, Von
Ahlgreu, Leonard
Ahlin, Margaret
Ahluin, Margaret
Aitken, D.
Akers, Byron
Albert, Anna
Alden, C. L.
Alenius, Alfhild
Alenius, Alphild
Alexander, E.
Alexander, Everett
Alexander, Gordon
Alexander, H.
Alexander, H. A.
Alexander, Harry
Allen, Alex
Allen, Cloye
Allen, F.
Allen, F. G.
Allen, Grace
Allen, Harold
Allen, J.
Allen, W.
Allewelt, S. M.
Allison, C.
Allman, Frank
Allred, Ivan
Almgren, Earl
Alpert, Herbert
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
Altvater, H.
Amicone, Paul
Anderson, A.
Anderson, Carl
Anderson, D.
Anderson, E.
Anderson, E. C.
Anderson, Florence
Anderson, Georgia
Anderson, Isabel
Anderson, J. W.
Anderson, Jessie
Anderson, Joseph
Anderson, Lucille
Anderson, Luella
Anderson, Margaret
Andre, John
Andrew, H. O.
Andrew, Henry
Andrew, W.
Andrews, Agnes
Andrews, Lloyd
Andrews, Mary
Angove, C. E.
Ann Asbury, Laura
Ann Mills, Eleanor
Ann Smith, Martha
Anthony, Howard
Apel, Philip
Aplan, F. F.
Arbuthnot, Inez
Archibald, J. G.
Ardourel, D. F.
Ardourel, J. F.
Armbrecht, Verna
Armstead, Bessie
Armstead, Seth
Armstrong, Elma
Armstrong, Jno
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, Katherine
Armstrong, W. L.
Arnett, Roberta
Arnold, Avery
Arnold, D. Clayton
Arnold, H.
Arnold, Vera
Art Club
Ashcroft, Evabelle
Ashley, G. H.
Ashley, May Prince
Atterbury, R.
Atwood, Ester
Austin, George
Babbott, Harry
Bacon, Fern
Bailey, Dorothy
Bailey, Neil
Bain, Francis
Bair, Dorothy
Baird, Dorothy
Baird, Ralph
Baker, B. L.
Baker, Clara
Baker, Edith
Baker, Elizabeth
Baker, Fred
Baker, Gano
Baker, Howard
Baker, Howard, Jr.
Baker, James
Baker, S.
Baker, W.
Ball, Reuben
Barber, J. R.
Barber, Jno.
Bardurell, Eva Gertrude
Bardwell, J.
Bardwell, Rodney
Bare, Orlena
Barker, Agnes
Barker, D.
Barker, Maud
Barnes, Louise Kirby
Barney, H.
Barnhill, Burdette
Barnum, C. S.
Barr, C. A.
Barrett, Charles
Barrett, Harry M. D.
Barrett, James
Barrett, W.
Barth, A.
Barthes, Eunice
Bartholf, Winifred
Bartholomew, C. E.
Bartholomew, Esther
Bartlett, Nona
Bartley, Wanda
Bascom, E. L.
Bastien, J. S.
Bathrick, Frances
Baucum, Katherine
Bauer, F.
Baum, Eva
Baumgartel, Alvin
Baur, W.
Baxter, Julia
Beach, Clarence
Beaghler, William
Beaman, Morey
Bean, Helen
Bean, Hildred
Beans, Guy
Beard, Theodore
Beatty, Helen
Beatty, Jon
Beatty, Millie
Bebmeyer, E.
Beck, Ivan
Becker, J. C.
Beckett, Adelia
Beckstrom, Fred
Beckwith, Merrill
Beer, Dee
Beier, Hazel
Beisie, Audrey
Bell Ewers, Betty
Bell Walch, Martha
Bell, C.
Bell, C. W.
Bell, D.
Bell, Dorothy
Bell, Eulalie
Bell, Katharine
Bell, Katherine
Bell, Mattie Elizabeth
Bellows, Marjorie
Belser, C.
Bemis, Betty Lou
Bender, Tekla
Bennett, Catherine
Bennett, Chauncey
Bennett, Etta
Benson, Elizabeth
Benson, Fred
Benson, Helen
Benson, Lillian
Benthack, Walter
Bentley, Doris
Bereford, Howard
Beresford, Ensign
Beresford, Howard
Beresford, K.
Beresford, Kenneth
Beresford, Theodore
Bergheim, Caroline
Bergheim, Joe
Bergheim, Jonas
Bergheim, Milton
Berman, Elinor
Berminger, P.
Bernard, Alva
Bernice, James
Bernzen, Frank
Berquist, A. H.
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Gamma
Beta Theta Pi
Beth Johnson, Mary
Beynon, L. J.
Bickley, Frances
Blackman, Richard
Blackmer, Joanne
Blim, M. P.
Booth, Joyce
Borland, Kathryn
Bowling, F.
Brank, Jennings, Jr.
Branson, Bernice
Brewster, Don
Broch, H. C., Jr.
Brown, W.
Buck, Cordelia
Buck, W. E.
Buckheim, W.
Burke, Harriett
Burke, O. A.
Burke, Robert
Burnett, Chas.
Butler, Gladys
Butler, S. H.
Callbran, H. C.
Campbell, W.
Campbelle, L.
Canning, Clare
Cantrell, Cantrell
Carbin, Alice
Carey, Meda
Carlin, M.
Carlisle Hearon, Mary
Carlson, Arthur
Carlton Hall, L.
Carr, Russell
Carrel, Edyth S.
Carswell, James
Cartwright, Sam
Case, Ruth
Cassidy, Harry
Chapman, E.
Chapman, Gerry
Chapman, Gerry Elbridge
Charlene Garlick, Frances
Charlton, Daniel
Chase, F. W.
Chedsey, John
Chedsey, Joseph
Cheedle, Esther
Chenault, Helen
Cherany, Merle
Chesebro, Delta
Chi Psi
Childers, Helen
Chipman, Constance
Chittam, C.
Christensen, Lillian
Christenson, Emil
Christian church
Chrysler, James
Church, Franklin
Cinnamon, Elsie
Claer, Felicita
Clamp, H. G.
Clampitt, A.
Clark, A.
Clark, B.
Clark, Eva
Clark, H.
Clark, Helen
Clark, Juanita
Clark, Marian
Clark, Opal
Clark, Ruth
Clarke, T.
Clary, W.
Claszther, Wilda
Claus, Loretta
Clayton, Anne
Cleaves, Helen
Cleveland, D.
Clifford, C.
Clifford, J.
Clifford, Joseph
Clingan, L. W.
Clove, Gertrude
Clove, Lillian
Cluff, Dorothy
Coates, Edwin
Cobbs, Francis
Cockerell, Theodore D. A.
Coffman, Ruth
Coghean, Anna
Cohig, J.
Colbert, Mabel
Cole, A.
Cole, C.
Cole, L. W.
Cole, Rilla
Collier, B.
Collins, C. M.
Collins, G.
Collins, Ludlow
Collins, M.
Collins, M. J.
Collins, Mary
Collins, Norma
Colwell, Kathryn
Comer, Louise
Conmore, C.
Connell, W.
Conroy, George
Constant, John
Conwell, George
Conwell, Margaret
Cook, Daisy
Cook, H. E.
Cook, Helene
Cook, M.
Cooke, M.
Cooksaw, Gerald
Coon, Cecil
Coon, L.
Cope, Herbert
Copps, Chauncey
Copps, E. W.
Corbin, P. L.
Corbin, Percy
Corbin, Pereis
Corbin, W. F.
Corcoran, M.
Cordes, Howard
Cordringly, Margaret
Corkish, Helen
Cornell's child, B.
Cornell, Dudley
Cornell, H. M.
Cornwall, Ruby
Cornwell, Margaret
Cory (Byron Cory), G.
Cory, Edward
Cosberg, Myrtle
Costello, Hazel
Coulson, D.
Coulter, B.
Coulter, E.
Courtright, Burt
Coverston, Milton
Cowan, Cordellia
Cowan, Cordellia M.
Cowan, Lucille
Cowdery, Ruth
Cowger, W.
Cowgill, M.
Cowles, Don
Cox, Alice
Coyle, J.
Craig, Leila
Craik, Hazel
Crain, Vera
Craine, Marcia Mar
Crandall, C.
Crandell, C.
Crane, F.
Crane, R. T.
Craven, E.
Craven, Edw.
Cravens, Dorsey
Crawford, H.
Crawford, Ivan
Crawford, J.
Crenshaw, Lucille
Cresto, Victor
Crispelle, K.
Crispelle, Wilda
Crocker, L.
Croke, Alice
Cross, Wm.
Crouch, Donald
Crouch, Marjorie
Crowley, Corydon H.
Cruise, Beatrice
Culp, Charlotte
Cunningham, J. J.
Curnou, Mabel
Curry, Margaret
Curry, Ruth
Curtis, G.
Curtis, G. A.
Curtis, Gladys
Curtis, Rex
Cush, A. J.
Cushing, Martha
Custer, Clarence
Cuthbertson Verb Wheel
Cuthbertson, R.
Cuthbertson, Robert
Cuthbertson, W.
Cutler, Edwynne
Daggett, W.
Daily, Frances
Daily, Ruth
Dale, Lola
Dale, Marion
Dale, Nolia
Daley, Helen
Dally, Ruth
Daniels, Elizabeth
Danielson, Ardis
Danielson, Ardis Bunting
Danielson, Ethna
Danner, John
Darby, J.
Darling, H.
Daugherty, R.
Davenport Chicken Ranch
Davidson, Mark
Davidson, Ralph
Davis, A. J.
Davis, C.
Davis, C. E.
Davis, C. M.
Davis, Cecil
Davis, Florence
Davis, Frank
Davis, Frank B.
Davis, Mildred
Davis, W.
Davis, Winifred
Davlin, Charles
Dawkins, Bernice
Day, Alice
Day, Max
De Baker, George
De Muth, Laurence
De Vries, Herbert
Dean, Paul
Debating Club
Debating Society
Deck, Jo
Deidesheimer, Margurita
DeKalb, J.
DeKalb, J. E.
DeLongchamp, J. C.
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Denham, Lenel
Denman, R. J.
Denning, J.
Denslow, Ford, Jr.
Denslow, Rachel
DeSille, S.
Devalon, E. W.
Devalon, Earl
Devine, Ruth
DeVol, Austin O.
Devries, H.
Dewey, B.
Dewey, Glen H.
Di Giovanni, Angeline
Dice, Mildred
Dick, Dorothy
Dickerson, A.
Dickey, Donald
Dickey, Gladys
Dickinson, D.
Dickson, Deane
Dickson, Julia
Dickson, M.
Dickson, M. J.
Dickson, Marshall
Dillenbeck, Leila
Dilley, Marjory
Dillingham, Faye
Dillon, L. S.
Ditsch, Cecil
Diveley, C.
Divine, H.
Dobbins, E.
Dobbs, H.
Dobbs, Louise
Docktoder, H. P.
Dodd, George
Dodd, John
Dodge, Avis
Dodge, F. H.
Dodge, Isabelle
Doherty, Gladys
Doherty, Muryle
Dole, Ellen
Dolecek, Blanche
Doll, H. B.
Dolphin, Opal
Donald, Louise May
Donaldson, Frances
Donaldson, R. H.
Dondanville, R.
Dondelinger, Bessie
Donohue, Francis
Doolittle, F.
Dorison, Mellie
Doublin, Lola
Dougherty, I. C.
Douglas, Edith
Douglas, F.
Douglass, Earl
Dowd, A.
Downey, Isabelle
Downing, R.
Downing, R. L.
Downlers, Mary
Doyle, Frances
Drach, Gertrude
Drach, Mildred
Drackman, E.
Dragao, Gertrude
Drumm, Henry
Du Pledge, Bryan
DuBois, DuBois
Duce, J.
Duggan, Helen
Duke, Ruth
Dummeier, E.
Duncan, George
Duncan, W. T.
Dungan, Gerald
Dungen, Paul
Dunham, C.
Dunham, C. S.
Dunham, Clifford
Dunn, H.
Dunn, L.
Durant, D. E.
Durward, Lawrence
Duval, L.
DuVall, C.
Duvall, Eddye
Dyde, W. F.
Dyer, D. B.
Dyer, Thomas
E. Knowles, Sam E.
Eagleson, Emerson
Eagleton, E.
Eagleton, Paul
Earl, Erwin
Earl, I. T.
Earl, Isaac
Earl, Jesse
East, Bessie
Eastman, Leslie
Eastman, Ralph
Easton, Alma
Easton, Frank
Eaton, Helen
Eaton, Phyllis
Eaves, Elsie
Eberharter, Robert
Ebert, Alice
Ebert, Gladys
Ecard, E. B.
Eckel, Patricia
Eckels, Margaret
Eckhardt, Carl
Eckhart, C. C.
Eddy, Priscilla
Edge, Myrtle J.
Edmunds, P. C.
Edward, Eunice
Edward, Howard G.
Edwards, D. Ermorine
Edwards, Eunice
Edwards, Millie
Egerton, Sartwell
Ehert, Gladys
Ehrenbrook, Roy
Ehrenkrook, Ray
Eilers, J. G.
Einborn, Nathan
Eisendorfer, A.
Eisendorfer, Martin
Elder, Andrew
Elder, P. H.
Elftman, Dale
Elias, R.
Elkine, Elsie
Ellefson, Gail
Ellett, A.
Ellett, Alex
Elliot, Grace
Elliott, Dorothy
Elliott, Faith
Elliott, John
Elliott, Lutie
Elliott, R.
Ellis, Mildred
Elspeay Lyon, Ann
Elzi, C. J.
Emery, W. B.
Emery, Wm. F.
Emmerson, Lynn
Enfield, Virginia
Eng, Evealin
England, Edith
Enochs, J.
Epatz, C. F.
Epley, Carroll F.
Epstein, Sol
Erickson, D.
Erickson, D. F.
Erickson, Melvin
Erikson, D.
Eschenburg, Herman
Estes, Carlton
Eta Kappa Nu
Ettna Dowd, Mae
Eueingim, C.
Euler, Ed
Evans, Carl
Evans, Catherine
Evans, Herald
Evans, John
Evans, Katherine
Evans, M. C.
Evans, M. H.
Evans, Prof.
Ewalt, R. E.
Ewing, Amy
Ewing, Frances
Eynon, Clarence
Facklen, Herbert
Fahnestock, Sarah
Fair and Golden
Fair, Margaret
Faires, V.
Falsoner, Geordy
Farlow, M. M.
Farmer, Vesta
Farrand, Pres.
Farrie, Stanley
Farwell, Elizabeth
Farwell, John
Faus, Jack
Faus, Robert
Fawcett, C. F.
Fay Hopkins, Miss
Fay, Marion
Feast, Samuel
Feather, Mildred
Fedder Funk, Emma
Fehlmann, Hazel
Feinberg, Herman
Fenton, Blanche D.
Ferris, Willa
Fertig, John
Fesler, Dorothy
Fidal, J.
Field, J. H.
Fields, Frank
Fine, E. G.
Finker, Andrew
Finn, Myrtle Ruth
Firstbrook, William
Fischer, Jno. C.
Fischer, John C.
Fisher, Andrew
Fisher, J.
Fisher, Lionel
Fitzgerald, Katherine
Fleming, Carolyn
Fleming, Helen
Fleming, Nancy
Flemming, Helen
Flint, J. C.
Foley, Ned
Folsom, F. G.
Fonda, Louis
Football players
Foran, Floyd
Ford, L.
Fordham, Genevieve
Foremost Fire Station
Forsman, Hilda
Foster, Alice
Foster, Betty
Foster, Claire
Foster, E. H.
Foster, Foster
Foster, J.
Foulk, T.
Fox Curran Theatre
Fox, M. R.
France, Phyllis
Franklin, W.
Franklin, Walter
Frantz, Frank
Freedheim, E. H.
Freeman, Tom
French, J.
Frewen, Helen
Frey, H. A.
Friedman, A. F.
Friesch, Weuzel
Frishir, Andrew
Froese, E.
Frome, Marjorie
Frucksess, F. C.
Frye, Leda
Fryer, G.
Fulghum, C.
Fulghume, C.
Fuller, Julia
Fuller, Kathryn
Fuller, Mariam
Fuller, Marion
Fuller, Norman
Fullington, Elizabeth
Fulmer, L. C.
Fulscher, Clara
Fulscher, Hertha
Furman, Gertrude
Fye, L. M.
Gabardi, Maxine
Gadbold, Garland
Gallager, Frank
Gallagher, Arthur
Galland, Ben.
Gambill, Elizabeth
Gambill, William
Gambill, Wm.
Garage, Lawrence
Garbarino, Belshe
Gard, Helen
Gardiner, E.
Gardner, James
Gardner, Rhea
Garvin, F. R.
Garwood, Marion
Gaumer, Phoebe
Geltz, Helen W.
Gentry, George
George, L. D.
George, R. D.
George, Rase
Gertsen, Elizabeth
Getts, Dorothy
Gibb, Catherine
Gibbon, Helen
Gibson Wilson, Arlene
Gibson, Clara
Giederalieve, Dorothy
Gielett, Gladys
Giffin, Grace
Giffin, H
Gilbert, O. M
Gilbert, O. M.
Gill, Lucille
Gillam, Edna
Gillaspie, T. M.
Giller, H. T.
Gillette, C. H.
Gilpin, Carcy
Ginther, Sarah
Gish, Dorothy
Gladys [Ebert?]
Glasco, Grace
Glee and Mandolin Club
Glee Club
Glover, Hubert
Goddard, Frank
Goddard, Helen
Godsey, Grace
Goebel, Wm.
Goebel, Wm. R.
Gogg, R. F.
Goldberg, Edith
Goldstein, J A.
Gooch, A. W.
Gooden, W.
Goodrich, Edna
Goodykuntz, C.
Goodykuntz, S. B.
Gordes, H.
Gordon, C. F.
Gordon, Ruth
Gore, Zoe
Goss, M. C.
Gotthold, R. C.
Goudelock, Helen
Goudie, Jessie
Gould, D.
Goure, R. E.
Gowans, Jean
Grabam, June
Graesbeck, Irene
Graham, Bill
Graham, Elizabeth
Graham, G.
Graham, Margaret
Graham, Mona
Graham, Sara
Grammer, Ethel
Grandy, Jay
Grant, Jane
Grant, Nellie
Grass, A.
Grass, Clarence
Graves, C.
Gray, W. K.
Green, Bess
Green, Helen
Greenlee, U.
Greenlee, Wm.
Greenman, A. A.
Greenman, Alfred
Greenman, Earnest
Greeson, Margaret
Greeson, Mildred
Gregg, A. M.
Gregory, Jennie
Gregory, Thelma
Grehm, Grace
Grenard, Jessie M.
Grey, Alice
Grey, Merle
Griesmer, W.
Griffen, Grace
Griffen, Jno.
Griffen, Luman
Griffeth, James
Griffin, S. Ruth
Griffith, Helen
Griffith, James
Griffith, P.
Griffith, P. E.
Grigsby, J.
Gromer, M.
Gromer, Martha
Groom, J. I.
Grounds, Ralph
Grove, A.
Gruson, Mildred
Gummersheimer, Meta
Gunnison, Helen
Gunter, H.
Gunther, Sarah
Hacking, Pauline
Hadley, Emogene
Haffey, Patrick
Hagen, Fred
Haggart, John
Hagman, Victor
Hahn, I.
Hahnewald, C. J.
Haines, Gladys
Haines, Helen
Hair, Joseph
Haizer, Numa
Haley, Charles
Haley, Phais
Hall, Ellis A.
Hall, Emily
Hall, L. J.
Hall, Mary
Halldorson, Marvin
Hallen, Rev. J.
Ham, Della
Ham, Inez
Haman, Richard
Hamilton and child, Roy
Hamilton, Betty Locke
Hamilton, D.
Hamilton, Granville
Hamilton, Lois
Hamilton, R.
Hammond, Charlotte
Hamond, John
Handy, Eleanor
Haning, Geneva
Hankins, James
Hanks, B. C.
Hanks, Bryan
Hanks, Byron
Hanning, W.
Hans, George
Hansen, A.
Hanshaw, Dolly
Hanson, A.
Hanson, A. A.
Hanson, Kay
Hardesty, W. B.
Harding, R. B.
Hardy, Giffen
Hardy, Giffin
Hardy, H.
Hardy, Madaline
Harger, George
Harlan, J. P.
Harmon, Julia
Harms, H.
Harper, M.
Harrell, Virginia
Harrington, John
Harrington, Ruth
Harris, B. C.
Harris, I. F.
Harris, Ida
Harris, Levi S.
Harris, Mary
Harris, Virginia
Harris, William
Harrison, Arthur
Harrison, Florence
Harrison, Julia
Harry, John
Harsler, Helen
Hart, E.
Harthey, G.
Hartley, L.
Hartman, John
Hartman, Katherine
Hartman, Stanford
Hartwell, Frances
Hartwell, Frances F.
Hartwick, W. J.
Harvey, E. C.
Harvey, Effie
Harvey, Eugene
Harvey, Flora
Harvey, Margaret
Harvey, R.
Haus, George
Hawkins, J.
Hawkyard, Grace
Hawthorne, D.
Hayden, Esther
Hayden, Jessie H.
Hayes, Helen
Hays Hays, Emily
Hazelton, Miriam
Heacock, W. G.
Head, D.
Head, Irma
Head, Margaret
Healey, Edna
Hearon, Eleanor Lee
Heaton, Earl
Heaton, Earl H.
Heaton, H.
Heaton, R. L.
Hecker, M.
Heggen, Agnes
Hellstern, Edna
Helm, Chlor
Helmer, George
Henderson, E.
Henderson, F.
Hendron, Arloa
Hensey, E.
Herbert, I. G.
Herman, H.
Herman, Harry
Herman, L.
Herman, Louie
Herman, Louis
Hermitet, Greer