Who What Where When



  1. Abbett, H. (2)
  2. Abbott, A. (2)
  3. Abbott, C. D. (2)
  4. Abbott, E. (2)
  5. Abbott, F. (3)
  6. Abell, A. (2)
  7. Abrams, R. (2)
  8. Acacia (3)
  9. Acapella Choir (2)
  10. Ada Fowler, Miss (4)
  11. Adams, Charles (2)
  12. Adams, Elliott (2)
  13. Adams, Frank (3)
  14. Adams, Jane (5)
  15. Adams, John (2)
  16. Adams, May (2)
  17. Adams, Pamela (2)
  18. Adams, Phelps (2)
  19. Adams, Ruth (3)
  20. Adams, Sue (2)
  21. Adams, W. (2)
  22. Adams, Wilbur (2)
  23. Adams, William (2)
  24. Adelphi (2)
  25. Aden, Fred (2)
  26. Ahlburg, Von (2)
  27. Ahlgreu, Leonard (2)
  28. Ahlin, Margaret (2)
  29. Ahluin, Margaret (3)
  30. Aitken, D. (3)
  31. Akers, Byron (3)
  32. Albert, Anna (3)
  33. Alden, C. L. (3)
  34. Alenius, Alfhild (5)
  35. Alenius, Alphild (3)
  36. Alexander, E. (2)
  37. Alexander, Everett (2)
  38. Alexander, Gordon (3)
  39. Alexander, H. (4)
  40. Alexander, H. A. (2)
  41. Alexander, Harry (5)
  42. Allen, Alex (2)
  43. Allen, Cloye (3)
  44. Allen, F. (2)
  45. Allen, F. G. (2)
  46. Allen, Grace (2)
  47. Allen, Harold (2)
  48. Allen, J. (2)
  49. Allen, W. (7)
  50. Allewelt, S. M. (2)
  51. Allison, C. (5)
  52. Allman, Frank (2)
  53. Allred, Ivan (2)
  54. Almgren, Earl (4)
  55. Alpert, Herbert (2)
  56. Alpha Epsilon Delta (2)
  57. Alpha Omicron Pi (2)
  58. Alpha Sigma Phi (2)
  59. Alpha Tau Omega (10)
  60. Altvater, H. (2)
  61. Amicone, Paul (4)
  62. Anderson, A. (2)
  63. Anderson, Carl (2)
  64. Anderson, D. (2)
  65. Anderson, E. (2)
  66. Anderson, E. C. (2)
  67. Anderson, Florence (9)
  68. Anderson, Georgia (5)
  69. Anderson, Isabel (3)
  70. Anderson, J. W. (2)
  71. Anderson, Jessie (2)
  72. Anderson, Joseph (3)
  73. Anderson, Lucille (6)
  74. Anderson, Luella (2)
  75. Anderson, Margaret (2)
  76. Andre, John (3)
  77. Andrew, H. O. (4)
  78. Andrew, Henry (4)
  79. Andrew, W. (2)
  80. Andrews, Agnes (2)
  81. Andrews, Lloyd (3)
  82. Andrews, Mary (3)
  83. Angove, C. E. (2)
  84. Ann Asbury, Laura (2)
  85. Ann Mills, Eleanor (2)
  86. Ann Smith, Martha (3)
  87. Anthony, Howard (3)
  88. Apel, Philip (3)
  89. Aplan, F. F. (2)
  90. Arbuthnot, Inez (2)
  91. Archibald, J. G. (9)
  92. Ardourel, D. F. (2)
  93. Ardourel, J. F. (2)
  94. Armbrecht, Verna (2)
  95. Armstead, Bessie (5)
  96. Armstead, Seth (2)
  97. Armstrong, Elma (2)
  98. Armstrong, Jno (3)
  99. Armstrong, John (2)
  100. Armstrong, Katherine (4)
  101. Armstrong, W. L. (2)
  102. Arnett, Roberta (2)
  103. Arnold, Avery (2)
  104. Arnold, D. Clayton (2)
  105. Arnold, H. (2)
  106. Arnold, Vera (2)
  107. Art Club (18)
  108. Ashcroft, Evabelle (2)
  109. Ashley, G. H. (3)
  110. Ashley, May Prince (2)
  111. Atterbury, R. (3)
  112. Atwood, Ester (2)
  113. Austin, George (5)
  114. Babbott, Harry (2)
  115. Bacon, Fern (2)
  116. Bailey, Dorothy (2)
  117. Bailey, Neil (2)
  118. Bain, Francis (2)
  119. Bair, Dorothy (12)
  120. Baird, Dorothy (2)
  121. Baird, Ralph (2)
  122. Baker, B. L. (3)
  123. Baker, Clara (3)
  124. Baker, Edith (2)
  125. Baker, Elizabeth (7)
  126. Baker, Fred (2)
  127. Baker, Gano (6)
  128. Baker, Howard (5)
  129. Baker, Howard, Jr. (3)
  130. Baker, James (2)
  131. Baker, S. (2)
  132. Baker, W. (2)
  133. Ball, Reuben (2)
  134. Barber, J. R. (3)
  135. Barber, Jno. (4)
  136. Bardurell, Eva Gertrude (2)
  137. Bardwell, J. (2)
  138. Bardwell, Rodney (2)
  139. Bare, Orlena (9)
  140. Barker, Agnes (2)
  141. Barker, D. (2)
  142. Barker, Maud (2)
  143. Barnes (3)
  144. Barnes, Louise Kirby (4)
  145. Barney, H. (2)
  146. Barnhill, Burdette (2)
  147. Barnum, C. S. (7)
  148. Barr, C. A. (2)
  149. Barrett, Charles (2)
  150. Barrett, Harry M. D. (2)
  151. Barrett, James (2)
  152. Barrett, W. (3)
  153. Barth, A. (2)
  154. Barthes, Eunice (2)
  155. Bartholf, Winifred (2)
  156. Bartholomew, C. E. (2)
  157. Bartholomew, Esther (2)
  158. Bartlett, Nona (5)
  159. Bartley, Wanda (3)
  160. Bascom, E. L. (2)
  161. Bastien, J. S. (4)
  162. Bathrick, Frances (2)
  163. Baucum, Katherine (2)
  164. Bauer, F. (2)
  165. Baum, Eva (2)
  166. Baumgartel, Alvin (2)
  167. Baur, W. (2)
  168. Baxter, Julia (5)
  169. Beach, Clarence (3)
  170. Beaghler, William (2)
  171. Beaman, Morey (2)
  172. Bean, Helen (2)
  173. Bean, Hildred (4)
  174. Beans, Guy (3)
  175. Beard, Theodore (2)
  176. Beatty, Helen (2)
  177. Beatty, Jon (3)
  178. Beatty, Millie (2)
  179. Bebmeyer, E. (2)
  180. Beck (2)
  181. Beck, Ivan (3)
  182. Becker, J. C. (3)
  183. Beckett, Adelia (2)
  184. Beckstrom, Fred (2)
  185. Beckwith, Merrill (2)
  186. Beer, Dee (2)
  187. Beier, Hazel (2)
  188. Beisie, Audrey (2)
  189. Bell Ewers, Betty (2)
  190. Bell Walch, Martha (2)
  191. Bell, C. (2)
  192. Bell, C. W. (2)
  193. Bell, D. (3)
  194. Bell, Dorothy (3)
  195. Bell, Eulalie (4)
  196. Bell, Katharine (2)
  197. Bell, Katherine (2)
  198. Bell, Mattie Elizabeth (2)
  199. Bellows, Marjorie (3)
  200. Belser, C. (2)
  201. Bemis, Betty Lou (2)
  202. Bender, Tekla (2)
  203. Bennett, Catherine (2)
  204. Bennett, Chauncey (2)
  205. Bennett, Etta (2)
  206. Benson, Elizabeth (2)
  207. Benson, Fred (3)
  208. Benson, Helen (2)
  209. Benson, Lillian (4)
  210. Benthack, Walter (2)
  211. Bentley, Doris (3)
  212. Bereford, Howard (2)
  213. Beresford, Ensign (4)
  214. Beresford, Howard (3)
  215. Beresford, K. (2)
  216. Beresford, Kenneth (3)
  217. Beresford, Theodore (2)
  218. Bergheim, Caroline (3)
  219. Bergheim, Joe (4)
  220. Bergheim, Jonas (3)
  221. Bergheim, Milton (2)
  222. Berman, Elinor (4)
  223. Berminger, P. (2)
  224. Bernard, Alva (4)
  225. Bernice, James (2)
  226. Bernzen, Frank (2)
  227. Berquist, A. H. (2)
  228. Beta Alpha Psi (2)
  229. Beta Gamma (5)
  230. Beta Theta Pi (2)
  231. Beth Johnson, Mary (2)
  232. Beynon, L. J. (2)
  233. Bickley, Frances (6)
  234. Blackman, Richard (2)
  235. Blackmer, Joanne (2)
  236. Blim, M. P. (3)
  237. Booth, Joyce (2)
  238. Borland, Kathryn (2)
  239. Bowling, F. (2)
  240. Brank, Jennings, Jr. (2)
  241. Branson, Bernice (2)
  242. Brewster, Don (2)
  243. Broch, H. C., Jr. (2)
  244. Brown, W. (5)
  245. Buck, Cordelia (2)
  246. Buck, W. E. (2)
  247. Buckheim, W. (2)
  248. Burke, Harriett (2)
  249. Burke, O. A. (2)
  250. Burke, Robert (3)
  251. Burnett, Chas. (3)
  252. Butler, Gladys (3)
  253. Butler, S. H. (2)
  254. Callbran, H. C. (3)
  255. Campbell, W. (2)
  256. Campbelle, L. (2)
  257. Canning, Clare (2)
  258. Cantrell, Cantrell (2)
  259. Carbin, Alice (2)
  260. Carey, Meda (3)
  261. Carlin, M. (2)
  262. Carlisle Hearon, Mary (2)
  263. Carlson, Arthur (2)
  264. Carlton Hall, L. (3)
  265. Carr, Russell (3)
  266. Carrel, Edyth S. (2)
  267. Carswell, James (5)
  268. Cartwright, Sam (2)
  269. Case, Ruth (2)
  270. Cassidy, Harry (2)
  271. Chapman, E. (2)
  272. Chapman, Gerry (4)
  273. Chapman, Gerry Elbridge (3)
  274. Charlene Garlick, Frances (2)
  275. Charlton, Daniel (2)
  276. Chase, F. W. (5)
  277. Chedsey, John (3)
  278. Chedsey, Joseph (3)
  279. Cheedle, Esther (2)
  280. Chenault, Helen (5)
  281. Cherany, Merle (2)
  282. Chesebro, Delta (3)
  283. Chi Psi (10)
  284. Childers, Helen (2)
  285. Chipman, Constance (2)
  286. Chittam, C. (3)
  287. Christensen, Lillian (3)
  288. Christenson, Emil (2)
  289. Christian church (2)
  290. Chrysler, James (4)
  291. Church, Franklin (2)
  292. Cinnamon, Elsie (4)
  293. Claer, Felicita (3)
  294. Clamp, H. G. (5)
  295. Clampitt, A. (2)
  296. Clapp (3)
  297. Clark, A. (2)
  298. Clark, B. (2)
  299. Clark, Eva (2)
  300. Clark, H. (2)
  301. Clark, Helen (5)
  302. Clark, Juanita (2)
  303. Clark, Marian (2)
  304. Clark, Opal (2)
  305. Clark, Ruth (2)
  306. Clarke, T. (4)
  307. Clary, W. (2)
  308. Claszther, Wilda (2)
  309. Claude (4)
  310. Claus, Loretta (2)
  311. Clayton, Anne (2)
  312. Cleaves, Helen (2)
  313. Cleveland, D. (3)
  314. Clifford, C. (2)
  315. Clifford, J. (2)
  316. Clifford, Joseph (3)
  317. Clingan, L. W. (2)
  318. Clove, Gertrude (3)
  319. Clove, Lillian (4)
  320. Cluff, Dorothy (5)
  321. Coates, Edwin (2)
  322. Cobbs, Francis (4)
  323. Cockerell, Theodore D. A. … (3)
  324. Coffman, Ruth (3)
  325. Coghean, Anna (3)
  326. Cohenour (3)
  327. Cohig, J. (5)
  328. Colbert, Mabel (3)
  329. Cole, A. (3)
  330. Cole, C. (2)
  331. Cole, L. W. (2)
  332. Cole, Rilla (5)
  333. Collier, B. (3)
  334. Collins, C. M. (2)
  335. Collins, G. (2)
  336. Collins, Ludlow (2)
  337. Collins, M. (3)
  338. Collins, M. J. (2)
  339. Collins, Mary (2)
  340. Collins, Norma (2)
  341. Colwell, Kathryn (2)
  342. Comer, Louise (2)
  343. Conmore, C. (2)
  344. Connell, W. (2)
  345. Conroy, George (2)
  346. Constant, John (3)
  347. Conwell, George (3)
  348. Conwell, Margaret (4)
  349. Cook, Daisy (2)
  350. Cook, H. E. (4)
  351. Cook, Helene (2)
  352. Cook, M. (2)
  353. Cooke, M. (2)
  354. Cooksaw, Gerald (2)
  355. Coon, Cecil (2)
  356. Coon, L. (2)
  357. Cope, Herbert (2)
  358. Copps, Chauncey (2)
  359. Copps, E. W. (5)
  360. Corbin, P. L. (3)
  361. Corbin, Percy (2)
  362. Corbin, Pereis (2)
  363. Corbin, W. F. (3)
  364. Corcoran, M. (4)
  365. Cordes, Howard (13)
  366. Cordringly, Margaret (2)
  367. Corkish, Helen (2)
  368. Cornell (4)
  369. Cornell's child, B. (3)
  370. Cornell, Dudley (2)
  371. Cornell, H. M. (3)
  372. Cornwall, Ruby (3)
  373. Cornwell, Margaret (2)
  374. Cory (Byron Cory), G. (2)
  375. Cory, Edward (2)
  376. Cosberg, Myrtle (3)
  377. Costello, Hazel (3)
  378. Coulson, D. (6)
  379. Coulter, B. (3)
  380. Coulter, E. (2)
  381. Courtright, Burt (2)
  382. Coverston, Milton (4)
  383. Cowan, Cordellia (3)
  384. Cowan, Cordellia M. (4)
  385. Cowan, Lucille (2)
  386. Cowdery, Ruth (5)
  387. Cowger, W. (2)
  388. Cowgill, M. (3)
  389. Cowles, Don (2)
  390. Cox, Alice (2)
  391. Coyle, J. (2)
  392. Craig, Leila (2)
  393. Craik, Hazel (2)
  394. Crain, Vera (2)
  395. Craine, Marcia Mar (3)
  396. Crandall, C. (2)
  397. Crandell, C. (2)
  398. Crane, F. (2)
  399. Crane, R. T. (3)
  400. Craven, E. (2)
  401. Craven, Edw. (2)
  402. Cravens, Dorsey (3)
  403. Crawford, H. (2)
  404. Crawford, Ivan (2)
  405. Crawford, J. (2)
  406. Crenshaw, Lucille (2)
  407. Cresto, Victor (4)
  408. Crispelle, K. (4)
  409. Crispelle, Wilda (2)
  410. Crocker, L. (2)
  411. Croke, Alice (2)
  412. Cross, Wm. (3)
  413. Crouch, Donald (2)
  414. Crouch, Marjorie (3)
  415. Crowley, Corydon H. (2)
  416. Cruise, Beatrice (2)
  417. Culp, Charlotte (2)
  418. Cunningham, J. J. (3)
  419. Curnou, Mabel (3)
  420. Curry, Margaret (6)
  421. Curry, Ruth (4)
  422. Curtis, G. (3)
  423. Curtis, G. A. (5)
  424. Curtis, Gladys (6)
  425. Curtis, Rex (2)
  426. Cush, A. J. (2)
  427. Cushing, Martha (2)
  428. Custer, Clarence (2)
  429. Cuthbertson Verb Wheel (13)
  430. Cuthbertson, R. (2)
  431. Cuthbertson, Robert (2)
  432. Cuthbertson, W. (2)
  433. Cutler, Edwynne (2)
  434. Daggett, W. (2)
  435. Daily, Frances (5)
  436. Daily, Ruth (2)
  437. Dale, Lola (3)
  438. Dale, Marion (6)
  439. Dale, Nolia (2)
  440. Daley, Helen (3)
  441. Dally, Ruth (2)
  442. Daniels, Elizabeth (2)
  443. Danielson, Ardis (4)
  444. Danielson, Ardis Bunting (2)
  445. Danielson, Ethna (2)
  446. Danner, John (3)
  447. Darby, J. (2)
  448. Darling, H. (2)
  449. Daugherty, R. (2)
  450. Davenport Chicken Ranch (2)
  451. Davidson, Mark (2)
  452. Davidson, Ralph (3)
  453. Davis, A. J. (2)
  454. Davis, C. (2)
  455. Davis, C. E. (2)
  456. Davis, C. M. (4)
  457. Davis, Cecil (2)
  458. Davis, Florence (2)
  459. Davis, Frank (5)
  460. Davis, Frank B. (2)
  461. Davis, Mildred (4)
  462. Davis, W. (7)
  463. Davis, Winifred (3)
  464. Davlin, Charles (2)
  465. Dawkins, Bernice (2)
  466. Day, Alice (3)
  467. Day, Max (4)
  468. De Baker, George (3)
  469. De Muth, Laurence (4)
  470. De Vries, Herbert (2)
  471. Dean, Paul (2)
  472. Debating Club (3)
  473. Debating Society (2)
  474. Deck, Jo (8)
  475. Deidesheimer, Margurita (2)
  476. DeKalb, J. (4)
  477. DeKalb, J. E. (5)
  478. DeLongchamp, J. C. (2)
  479. Delta Sigma Phi (4)
  480. Delta Tau Delta (9)
  481. Denham, Lenel (3)
  482. Denman, R. J. (2)
  483. Denning, J. (2)
  484. Denslow, Ford, Jr. (2)
  485. Denslow, Rachel (5)
  486. DeSille, S. (3)
  487. Devalon, E. W. (7)
  488. Devalon, Earl (2)
  489. Devine, Ruth (2)
  490. DeVol, Austin O. (2)
  491. Devries, H. (3)
  492. Dewey, B. (2)
  493. Dewey, Glen H. (2)
  494. Di Giovanni, Angeline (2)
  495. Dice, Mildred (2)
  496. Dick, Dorothy (3)
  497. Dickerson, A. (3)
  498. Dickey (2)
  499. Dickey, Donald (4)
  500. Dickey, Gladys (2)
  501. Dickinson, D. (2)
  502. Dickson, Deane (5)
  503. Dickson, Julia (2)
  504. Dickson, M. (3)
  505. Dickson, M. J. (7)
  506. Dickson, Marshall (2)
  507. Dillenbeck, Leila (2)
  508. Dilley, Marjory (2)
  509. Dillingham, Faye (2)
  510. Dillon, L. S. (3)
  511. Ditsch, Cecil (2)
  512. Diveley, C. (2)
  513. Divine, H. (5)
  514. Dobbins, E. (4)
  515. Dobbs, H. (2)
  516. Dobbs, Louise (3)
  517. Docktoder, H. P. (4)
  518. Dodd, George (4)
  519. Dodd, John (2)
  520. Dodge, Avis (2)
  521. Dodge, F. H. (2)
  522. Dodge, Isabelle (3)
  523. Dogs (4)
  524. Doherty, Gladys (3)
  525. Doherty, Muryle (3)
  526. Dole, Ellen (3)
  527. Dolecek, Blanche (3)
  528. Doll, H. B. (2)
  529. Dolphin, Opal (3)
  530. Donald, Louise May (3)
  531. Donaldson, Frances (4)
  532. Donaldson, R. H. (3)
  533. Dondanville, R. (2)
  534. Dondelinger, Bessie (3)
  535. Donohue, Francis (5)
  536. Doolittle, F. (2)
  537. Dorison, Mellie (2)
  538. Doublin, Lola (3)
  539. Dougherty, I. C. (3)
  540. Douglas, Edith (4)
  541. Douglas, F. (4)
  542. Douglass, Earl (2)
  543. Dowd, A. (3)
  544. Downey, Isabelle (4)
  545. Downing, R. (3)
  546. Downing, R. L. (2)
  547. Downlers, Mary (2)
  548. Doyle, Frances (5)
  549. Drach, Gertrude (3)
  550. Drach, Mildred (7)
  551. Drackman, E. (2)
  552. Dragao, Gertrude (2)
  553. Drumm, Henry (4)
  554. Du Pledge, Bryan (2)
  555. DuBois, DuBois (2)
  556. Duce, J. (3)
  557. Duggan, Helen (5)
  558. Duke, Ruth (2)
  559. Dummeier, E. (2)
  560. Duncan, George (5)
  561. Duncan, W. T. (4)
  562. Dungan, Gerald (2)
  563. Dungen, Paul (2)
  564. Dunham, C. (2)
  565. Dunham, C. S. (4)
  566. Dunham, Clifford (2)
  567. Dunn, H. (3)
  568. Dunn, L. (2)
  569. Durant, D. E. (2)
  570. Durward (2)
  571. Durward, Lawrence (2)
  572. Duval, L. (2)
  573. DuVall, C. (3)
  574. Duvall, Eddye (2)
  575. Dyde, W. F. (2)
  576. Dyer, D. B. (3)
  577. Dyer, Thomas (3)
  578. E. Knowles, Sam E. (4)
  579. Eagleson, Emerson (2)
  580. Eagleton, E. (2)
  581. Eagleton, Paul (4)
  582. Earl, Erwin (3)
  583. Earl, I. T. (3)
  584. Earl, Isaac (2)
  585. Earl, Jesse (3)
  586. East, Bessie (3)
  587. Eastman, Leslie (3)
  588. Eastman, Ralph (2)
  589. Easton, Alma (2)
  590. Easton, Frank (2)
  591. Eaton, Helen (2)
  592. Eaton, Phyllis (2)
  593. Eaves, Elsie (5)
  594. Eberharter, Robert (3)
  595. Ebert, Alice (4)
  596. Ebert, Gladys (6)
  597. Ecard, E. B. (4)
  598. Eckel, Patricia (3)
  599. Eckels, Margaret (3)
  600. Eckhardt, Carl (2)
  601. Eckhart, C. C. (3)
  602. Eddy, Priscilla (4)
  603. Edge, Myrtle J. (2)
  604. Edmunds, P. C. (2)
  605. Edward, Eunice (3)
  606. Edward, Howard G. (5)
  607. Edwards, D. Ermorine (2)
  608. Edwards, Eunice (7)
  609. Edwards, Millie (2)
  610. Egerton, Sartwell (2)
  611. Ehert, Gladys (3)
  612. Ehrenbrook, Roy (2)
  613. Ehrenkrook, Ray (2)
  614. Eilers, J. G. (3)
  615. Einborn, Nathan (2)
  616. Eisendorfer, A. (2)
  617. Eisendorfer, Martin (2)
  618. Elder, Andrew (2)
  619. Elder, P. H. (2)
  620. Elftman, Dale (2)
  621. Elias, R. (4)
  622. Elkine, Elsie (2)
  623. Ellefson, Gail (2)
  624. Ellett, A. (3)
  625. Ellett, Alex (7)
  626. Elliot, Grace (2)
  627. Elliott, Dorothy (3)
  628. Elliott, Faith (3)
  629. Elliott, John (3)
  630. Elliott, Lutie (6)
  631. Elliott, R. (2)
  632. Ellis, Mildred (2)
  633. Elspeay Lyon, Ann (5)
  634. Elzi, C. J. (2)
  635. Emery, W. B. (2)
  636. Emery, Wm. F. (5)
  637. Emmerson, Lynn (3)
  638. Enfield, Virginia (2)
  639. Eng, Evealin (2)
  640. England, Edith (2)
  641. Enochs, J. (2)
  642. Epatz, C. F. (2)
  643. Epley, Carroll F. (3)
  644. Epstein, Sol (2)
  645. Erickson, D. (5)
  646. Erickson, D. F. (3)
  647. Erickson, Melvin (2)
  648. Erikson, D. (3)
  649. Eschenburg, Herman (3)
  650. Estes, Carlton (4)
  651. Eta Kappa Nu (4)
  652. Ettna Dowd, Mae (3)
  653. Eueingim, C. (2)
  654. Euler, Ed (2)
  655. Evans, Carl (3)
  656. Evans, Catherine (3)
  657. Evans, Herald (2)
  658. Evans, John (7)
  659. Evans, Katherine (3)
  660. Evans, M. C. (2)
  661. Evans, M. H. (4)
  662. Evans, Prof. (2)
  663. Eveland (4)
  664. Ewalt, R. E. (3)
  665. Ewing, Amy (2)
  666. Ewing, Frances (3)
  667. Eynon, Clarence (2)
  668. Facklen, Herbert (3)
  669. Fahnestock, Sarah (6)
  670. Fair and Golden (5)
  671. Fair, Margaret (4)
  672. Faires, V. (2)
  673. Falsoner, Geordy (2)
  674. Farlow, M. M. (3)
  675. Farmer, Vesta (2)
  676. Farrand, Pres. (3)
  677. Farrie, Stanley (2)
  678. Farwell, Elizabeth (2)
  679. Farwell, John (2)
  680. Faus, Jack (8)
  681. Faus, Robert (3)
  682. Fawcett, C. F. (4)
  683. Fay Hopkins, Miss (3)
  684. Fay, Marion (4)
  685. Feast, Samuel (5)
  686. Feather, Mildred (2)
  687. Fedder Funk, Emma (3)
  688. Fehlmann, Hazel (2)
  689. Feinberg, Herman (2)
  690. Fenton, Blanche D. (2)
  691. Ferris, Willa (2)
  692. Fertig, John (3)
  693. Fesler, Dorothy (5)
  694. Fidal, J. (2)
  695. Field, J. H. (2)
  696. Fields, Frank (2)
  697. Fine, E. G. (4)
  698. Finker, Andrew (2)
  699. Finn, Myrtle Ruth (2)
  700. Firstbrook, William (5)
  701. Fischer, Jno. C. (2)
  702. Fischer, John C. (2)
  703. Fisher, Andrew (2)
  704. Fisher, J. (7)
  705. Fisher, Lionel (2)
  706. Fitzgerald, Katherine (4)
  707. Fleming, Carolyn (2)
  708. Fleming, Helen (4)
  709. Fleming, Nancy (2)
  710. Flemming, Helen (4)
  711. Flint, J. C. (3)
  712. Foley, Ned (2)
  713. Folsom, F. G. (2)
  714. Fonda, Louis (2)
  715. Football players (17)
  716. Foran, Floyd (3)
  717. Ford, L. (2)
  718. Fordham, Genevieve (3)
  719. Foremost Fire Station (2)
  720. Forsman, Hilda (4)
  721. Foster, Alice (2)
  722. Foster, Betty (2)
  723. Foster, Claire (2)
  724. Foster, E. H. (3)
  725. Foster, Foster (2)
  726. Foster, J. (4)
  727. Foulk, T. (6)
  728. Fox Curran Theatre (2)
  729. Fox, M. R. (2)
  730. France, Phyllis (2)
  731. Franklin, W. (8)
  732. Franklin, Walter (3)
  733. Frantz, Frank (2)
  734. Freedheim, E. H. (3)
  735. Freeman, Tom (2)
  736. French, J. (3)
  737. Frewen, Helen (4)
  738. Frey, H. A. (6)
  739. Friedman, A. F. (2)
  740. Friesch, Weuzel (2)
  741. Frishir, Andrew (2)
  742. Froese, E. (4)
  743. Frome, Marjorie (4)
  744. Frucksess, F. C. (4)
  745. Frye, Leda (3)
  746. Fryer, G. (2)
  747. Fulghum, C. (2)
  748. Fulghume, C. (3)
  749. Fuller, Julia (4)
  750. Fuller, Kathryn (2)
  751. Fuller, Mariam (2)
  752. Fuller, Marion (2)
  753. Fuller, Norman (2)
  754. Fullington, Elizabeth (4)
  755. Fulmer, L. C. (2)
  756. Fulscher, Clara (2)
  757. Fulscher, Hertha (2)
  758. Furman, Gertrude (3)
  759. Fye, L. M. (2)
  760. Gabardi, Maxine (2)
  761. Gadbold, Garland (2)
  762. Gallager, Frank (3)
  763. Gallagher, Arthur (5)
  764. Galland, Ben. (4)
  765. Gambill, Elizabeth (2)
  766. Gambill, William (2)
  767. Gambill, Wm. (2)
  768. Garage, Lawrence (3)
  769. Garbarino, Belshe (3)
  770. Gard, Helen (2)
  771. Gardiner (2)
  772. Gardiner, E. (2)
  773. Gardner, James (2)
  774. Gardner, Rhea (2)
  775. Garvin, F. R. (2)
  776. Garwood, Marion (2)
  777. Gaumer, Phoebe (2)
  778. Geltz, Helen W. (2)
  779. Gentry, George (2)
  780. George (3)
  781. George, L. D. (4)
  782. George, R. D. (4)
  783. George, Rase (2)
  784. Gertsen, Elizabeth (4)
  785. Getts, Dorothy (2)
  786. Gibb, Catherine (2)
  787. Gibbon, Helen (3)
  788. Gibson (2)
  789. Gibson Wilson, Arlene (2)
  790. Gibson, Clara (7)
  791. Giederalieve, Dorothy (3)
  792. Gielett, Gladys (2)
  793. Giffin, Grace (4)
  794. Giffin, H (2)
  795. Gilbert, O. M (7)
  796. Gilbert, O. M. (2)
  797. Gill, Lucille (2)
  798. Gillam, Edna (8)
  799. Gillaspie, T. M. (3)
  800. Giller, H. T. (2)
  801. Gillette, C. H. (5)
  802. Gilpin, Carcy (2)
  803. Ginther, Sarah (7)
  804. Gish, Dorothy (2)
  805. Gladys [Ebert?] (3)
  806. Glasco, Grace (6)
  807. Glee and Mandolin Club (2)
  808. Glee Club (3)
  809. Glover, Hubert (2)
  810. Goddard, Frank (2)
  811. Goddard, Helen (4)
  812. Godsey, Grace (2)
  813. Goebel, Wm. (2)
  814. Goebel, Wm. R. (2)
  815. Gogg, R. F. (2)
  816. Goldberg, Edith (2)
  817. Goldstein, J A. (3)
  818. Gooch, A. W. (2)
  819. Gooden, W. (2)
  820. Goodrich, Edna (2)
  821. Goodykuntz, C. (2)
  822. Goodykuntz, S. B. (3)
  823. Gordes, H. (2)
  824. Gordon, C. F. (2)
  825. Gordon, Ruth (2)
  826. Gore, Zoe (5)
  827. Goss, M. C. (4)
  828. Gotthold, R. C. (2)
  829. Goudelock, Helen (2)
  830. Goudie, Jessie (3)
  831. Gould, D. (2)
  832. Goure, R. E. (3)
  833. Gowans, Jean (2)
  834. Grabam, June (2)
  835. Graesbeck, Irene (3)
  836. Graham, Bill (2)
  837. Graham, Elizabeth (2)
  838. Graham, G. (2)
  839. Graham, Margaret (3)
  840. Graham, Mona (3)
  841. Graham, Sara (2)
  842. Grammer, Ethel (2)
  843. Grandy, Jay (2)
  844. Grant, Jane (5)
  845. Grant, Nellie (2)
  846. Grass, A. (4)
  847. Grass, Clarence (3)
  848. Graves, C. (2)
  849. Gray, W. K. (3)
  850. Green, Bess (2)
  851. Green, Helen (4)
  852. Greenlee, U. (2)
  853. Greenlee, Wm. (2)
  854. Greenman, A. A. (5)
  855. Greenman, Alfred (2)
  856. Greenman, Earnest (2)
  857. Greenway (3)
  858. Greeson, Margaret (2)
  859. Greeson, Mildred (2)
  860. Gregg (3)
  861. Gregg, A. M. (7)
  862. Gregory, Jennie (5)
  863. Gregory, Thelma (2)
  864. Grehm, Grace (3)
  865. Grenard, Jessie M. (2)
  866. Grey, Alice (2)
  867. Grey, Merle (3)
  868. Griesmer, W. (3)
  869. Griffen, Grace (5)
  870. Griffen, Jno. (2)
  871. Griffen, Luman (5)
  872. Griffeth, James (2)
  873. Griffin, S. Ruth (2)
  874. Griffith, Helen (2)
  875. Griffith, James (2)
  876. Griffith, P. (2)
  877. Griffith, P. E. (2)
  878. Grigsby, J. (2)
  879. Gromer, M. (3)
  880. Gromer, Martha (2)
  881. Groom, J. I. (2)
  882. Grounds, Ralph (2)
  883. Grove, A. (3)
  884. Gruson, Mildred (2)
  885. Gummersheimer, Meta (2)
  886. Gunnison, Helen (3)
  887. Gunter, H. (2)
  888. Gunther, Sarah (4)
  889. Hacking, Pauline (2)
  890. Hadley, Emogene (2)
  891. Haffey, Patrick (5)
  892. Hagen, Fred (5)
  893. Haggart, John (5)
  894. Hagman, Victor (2)
  895. Hahn, I. (2)
  896. Hahnewald, C. J. (2)
  897. Haines, Gladys (2)
  898. Haines, Helen (7)
  899. Hair, Joseph (2)
  900. Haizer, Numa (2)
  901. Haley, Charles (2)
  902. Haley, Phais (2)
  903. Hall, Ellis A. (2)
  904. Hall, Emily (3)
  905. Hall, L. J. (11)
  906. Hall, Mary (2)
  907. Halldorson, Marvin (2)
  908. Hallen, Rev. J. (2)
  909. Ham, Della (2)
  910. Ham, Inez (2)
  911. Haman, Richard (2)
  912. Hamilton and child, Roy (3)
  913. Hamilton, Betty Locke (2)
  914. Hamilton, D. (6)
  915. Hamilton, Granville (2)
  916. Hamilton, Lois (2)
  917. Hamilton, R. (2)
  918. Hammond, Charlotte (2)
  919. Hamond, John (2)
  920. Handy, Eleanor (7)
  921. Haning, Geneva (4)
  922. Hankins, James (4)
  923. Hanks, B. C. (5)
  924. Hanks, Bryan (2)
  925. Hanks, Byron (4)
  926. Hanning, W. (2)
  927. Hans, George (2)
  928. Hansen, A. (2)
  929. Hanshaw, Dolly (2)
  930. Hanson, A. (3)
  931. Hanson, A. A. (2)
  932. Hanson, Kay (2)
  933. Hardesty, W. B. (2)
  934. Harding, R. B. (3)
  935. Hardy, Giffen (2)
  936. Hardy, Giffin (4)
  937. Hardy, H. (2)
  938. Hardy, Madaline (3)
  939. Harger, George (3)
  940. Harlan, J. P. (2)
  941. Harlow (2)
  942. Harmon, Julia (2)
  943. Harms, H. (4)
  944. Harper, M. (2)
  945. Harrell, Virginia (2)
  946. Harrington, John (2)
  947. Harrington, Ruth (3)
  948. Harris, B. C. (2)
  949. Harris, I. F. (4)
  950. Harris, Ida (2)
  951. Harris, Levi S. (4)
  952. Harris, Mary (2)
  953. Harris, Virginia (2)
  954. Harris, William (3)
  955. Harrison, Arthur (2)
  956. Harrison, Florence (2)
  957. Harrison, Julia (4)
  958. Harry, John (4)
  959. Harsler, Helen (2)
  960. Hart, E. (2)
  961. Harthey, G. (2)
  962. Hartley, L. (3)
  963. Hartman, John (3)
  964. Hartman, Katherine (4)
  965. Hartman, Stanford (2)
  966. Hartwell, Frances (2)
  967. Hartwell, Frances F. (2)
  968. Hartwick, W. J. (3)
  969. Harvey, E. C. (6)
  970. Harvey, Effie (3)
  971. Harvey, Eugene (2)
  972. Harvey, Flora (6)
  973. Harvey, Margaret (2)
  974. Harvey, R. (4)
  975. Haus, George (4)
  976. Hawkins, J. (2)
  977. Hawkyard, Grace (6)
  978. Hawthorne, D. (2)
  979. Hayden, Esther (2)
  980. Hayden, Jessie H. (2)
  981. Hayes, Helen (5)
  982. Hays Hays, Emily (2)
  983. Hazelton, Miriam (3)
  984. Heacock, W. G. (2)
  985. Head, D. (4)
  986. Head, Irma (2)
  987. Head, Margaret (2)
  988. Healey, Edna (4)
  989. Hearon, Eleanor Lee (3)
  990. Heaton, Earl (2)
  991. Heaton, Earl H. (2)
  992. Heaton, H. (2)
  993. Heaton, R. L. (4)
  994. Hecker, M. (3)
  995. Heckert (3)
  996. Heggen, Agnes (2)
  997. Hellstern, Edna (2)
  998. Helm, Chlor (2)
  999. Helmer, George (2)
  1000. Henderson, E. (3)
  1001. Henderson, F. (3)
  1002. Hendron, Arloa (2)
  1003. Hensey, E. (2)
  1004. Herbert, I. G. (2)
  1005. Herman, H. (2)
  1006. Herman, Harry (3)
  1007. Herman, L. (3)
  1008. Herman, Louie (2)
  1009. Herman, Louis (2)
  1010. Hermitet, Greer (3)