Continues 'Stan Brakhage lecture on art and filmmaking, Part 3'. Brakhage begins by identifying his communication style and his filmmaking. He stresses the difference between men and women's perception and the importance of child's play. In preparation of the screening of his film 'Eyes,' he tells the story about going out with a police patrol and discovering a method to photograph things as the eyes sees them. After the screening he answers questions on various topics and the film in particular. Continued on ' Stan Brakhage lecture on art and filmmaking, Part 5'.
Continues 'Stan Brakhage lecture on art and filmmaking, Part 3'. Brakhage begins by identifying his communication style and his filmmaking. He stresses the difference between men and women's perception and the importance of child's play. In preparation of the screening of his film 'Eyes,' he tells the story about going out with a police patrol and discovering a method to photograph things as the eyes sees them. After the screening he answers questions on various topics and the film in particular. Continued on ' Stan Brakhage lecture on art and filmmaking, Part 5'.