A radio show on WHRW Binghamton, NY, begins with the original recording of Al Jolson singing 'Mr. Radio Man' (1924). A speaker reads the synopsis of the film 'Joe' from the record album cover of the sound track. The song 'Have a heart Taft Hartley, have a heart' plays and the speaker talks about the film and the sound track with his radio guests. Another song about the Korean War is played. The speaker discusses films and social and cultural issues with Stan Brakhage and the studio guests.
A radio show on WHRW Binghamton, NY, begins with the original recording of Al Jolson singing 'Mr. Radio Man' (1924). A speaker reads the synopsis of the film 'Joe' from the record album cover of the sound track. The song 'Have a heart Taft Hartley, have a heart' plays and the speaker talks about the film and the sound track with his radio guests. Another song about the Korean War is played. The speaker discusses films and social and cultural issues with Stan Brakhage and the studio guests.