Stan Brakhage gives a biography of Peter Kubelka, noting the influence of music, Catholicism, movies, Vienna, and art on his work. He shows Kubelka's film 'Mosaik im Vertrauen.' Brakhage describes the creation of 'Schwechater,' 'Arnulf Rainer,' and 'Unsere Afrikareise.' He also gives a biography of Hollis Frampton. Continued on 'Stan Brakhage on Peter Kubelka and Hollis Frampton - Part 2.'
Stan Brakhage gives a biography of Peter Kubelka, noting the influence of music, Catholicism, movies, Vienna, and art on his work. He shows Kubelka's film 'Mosaik im Vertrauen.' Brakhage describes the creation of 'Schwechater,' 'Arnulf Rainer,' and 'Unsere Afrikareise.' He also gives a biography of Hollis Frampton. Continued on 'Stan Brakhage on Peter Kubelka and Hollis Frampton - Part 2.'