"The subjoined extracts in heavy type are taken from three articles by General F. von Bernhardi which appeared in the United States of America in the New York sun and the Chicago examiner, and in England in the Times, on 23rd March, and the Evening news on the 9th and 10th April of this year. The extracts printed in ordinary type are taken from the General's books "Germany and the next war" and "Our future," written before the beginning of the war"--page 2.
"The subjoined extracts in heavy type are taken from three articles by General F. von Bernhardi which appeared in the United States of America in the New York sun and the Chicago examiner, and in England in the Times, on 23rd March, and the Evening news on the 9th and 10th April of this year. The extracts printed in ordinary type are taken from the General's books "Germany and the next war" and "Our future," written before the beginning of the war"--page 2.