Title from film container. Three women pose on a chaise lounge in a living room, one as a lion with a mirrored sun on her forehead, Ann Roy in a snake skinned suit, and a woman in black, sometimes veiled, holding a jeweled sword. They hold up mirrors and peacock feathers. Reel also includes footage of the woman preparing their shots and costumes, and pans across artwork and decorative objects in the room, some by artist William Rabon. Later, they are joined by two men and two boys. In the end, Ann Roy holds up a hand mirror to reveal the camera operator, and a toilet flushes.
Title from film container. Three women pose on a chaise lounge in a living room, one as a lion with a mirrored sun on her forehead, Ann Roy in a snake skinned suit, and a woman in black, sometimes veiled, holding a jeweled sword. They hold up mirrors and peacock feathers. Reel also includes footage of the woman preparing their shots and costumes, and pans across artwork and decorative objects in the room, some by artist William Rabon. Later, they are joined by two men and two boys. In the end, Ann Roy holds up a hand mirror to reveal the camera operator, and a toilet flushes.