00:00:04 Title card reads, “The Wind-Driven Circulation of the Pacific Ocean – By James J. O’Brien,” “Produced by NCAR – The National Center for Atmospheric Research – Boulder, Colorado – January, 1969,” “NCAR is operated by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research under contract with the National Science Foundation”; 00:00:19 Screen reads, “The stress function is the annual mean stress for the Pacific Ocean from Hellerman, 1967, and is dependent on latitude and longitude.” The screen changes to depict earth with a title that reads, “Annual Mean of eastward-directed wind stress (DYNES/CM2)”; 00:00:41 Screen reads, “The following sequences show the mass-transport stream function in time starting from a barotropic ocean at rest.” “The entire Pacific Ocean.” A graphic of earth appears on the screen.; 00:02:32 Screen reads, “The northwestern boundary” and continues to show a close-up of the globe; 00:04:17 Screen reads, “The equatorial region.” A graphic of earth appears again; 00:06:02 End credits read, “The End.”
00:00:04 Title card reads, “The Wind-Driven Circulation of the Pacific Ocean – By James J. O’Brien,” “Produced by NCAR – The National Center for Atmospheric Research – Boulder, Colorado – January, 1969,” “NCAR is operated by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research under contract with the National Science Foundation”; 00:00:19 Screen reads, “The stress function is the annual mean stress for the Pacific Ocean from Hellerman, 1967, and is dependent on latitude and longitude.” The screen changes to depict earth with a title that reads, “Annual Mean of eastward-directed wind stress (DYNES/CM2)”; 00:00:41 Screen reads, “The following sequences show the mass-transport stream function in time starting from a barotropic ocean at rest.” “The entire Pacific Ocean.” A graphic of earth appears on the screen.; 00:02:32 Screen reads, “The northwestern boundary” and continues to show a close-up of the globe; 00:04:17 Screen reads, “The equatorial region.” A graphic of earth appears again; 00:06:02 End credits read, “The End.”