Title from container: "Conservation: The Snowy Egrets." Distributor, the Cockerell Film Library of the Palm Springs Desert Museum; photographer, Winfield Line. A history of the Snowy Egrets' near extinction and the founding of an Egret sanctuary by Edward McIllheny. Includes views of the santuary with visitors, the chinese Pagoda, lotus flowers, and other plants, with informational intertitles. The film notes that the population at this sanctuary had incresed from a very small population to more than 100,000 egrets. Also includes images of blue herons, anhingas (wild turkeys), insects, alligators, and other animals.
Title from container: "Conservation: The Snowy Egrets." Distributor, the Cockerell Film Library of the Palm Springs Desert Museum; photographer, Winfield Line. A history of the Snowy Egrets' near extinction and the founding of an Egret sanctuary by Edward McIllheny. Includes views of the santuary with visitors, the chinese Pagoda, lotus flowers, and other plants, with informational intertitles. The film notes that the population at this sanctuary had incresed from a very small population to more than 100,000 egrets. Also includes images of blue herons, anhingas (wild turkeys), insects, alligators, and other animals.